

  • Hi my name is Amanda and I too am from Northern Minnesota. Right now (for the next 3 weeks) I am living in Colorado, but Labor Day weekend I am moving back to Minnesota. Feel free to friend me if you want.
  • My Doctor told me that soemtimes after you are heavy and have had c sections it is quite impossible to "naturally" lose the flab, I went from 445 and 2 c-sections to 240 and had to surgically had the skin and only the skin removed. The best bet would be to talk to your Dr and see what the best choice is for you personally,…
  • I started by switching from caffeine pop to caffeine free pop for a week or two which helped with the caffeine withdrawals then I started with some GV Peach Tea instead of caffeine free pop and now I drink water. It took about a month to switch from a 12 pack of pop a day to water and GV peach tea. It really helped me not…
    in Pop Comment by AmandaCathleen July 2012