I'm in the last week! I can't believe it!
Thanks for the sites! I'll check them out today before going grocery shopping. And I want those shoes!!!!!!!!LOL
That sound really good, is it filling? I'm always afraid to make stuff like this because I'm afraid the Mr won't get full from it. But if it works for you.....!
Oh crap....really? Where are you?
I do have a jogging stroller--but I live in MI, and so Winter work outs are indoors when it's just me and the kids. I would LOVE to have my alone time to work out--that does happen in the summer when hubs takes the kids on the fishing boat and I get to run alone. Ahhhh yesss...glorious times! lol
Oh, and I added some of you that aren't already my friends on here because we all seem to have kids around the same age!
LOL Seriously, some days that's what my work out looks like! Planking is *extra* hard around here ; ) Thanks for the great tips everyone! Gym memberships aren't in my grasp right now, but in the future they will be! Today the youngin took a long nap, and I gave the older one a science project to do--it worked! I guess if…
The problem is that there are many people that don't understand eating healthy---like REALLY eating healthy. And even if you try and teach them, they just won't get it. I think protein shakes with nutrients are a very good thing because of most of the things that people lack while 'dieting'. I hate the word diet--but with…
#1 tip is to stop eating the types of foods that you have to count calories with. (think about that for a bit) #2 stop thinking of this journey as your 'dieting time', and start thinking of it as your 'life change'. #3 don't 'work out'. Working out sucks. Big time. Find an activity that you like to do that will keep you…
Just branching off of the 'see your bones' comment. I don't get this. Yes, you can 'see my bones'..why is that a bad thing? I can see my ribs, my hip bones, shins, ect. There's no muscle covering all of these bones, and so the only 'covering' would be adipose tissue. There's NO purpose to having fat tissue covering every…
Bingo. The healthier you get, the more 'off the spectrum' they become. It makes people realize more and more JUST how far off of healthy they are. American's especially have such a messed up sense of 'healthy' that it amazes me when an obese patient of mine will rate themselves as 'healthy' on the medical intake form we…
I'm in Michigan, not as bad as Alaska--but I deal with the crazy weather we get pretty well! Feel free to add me : )
LOL Maybe we can stop all pop music too? I'm from the South as well, and saying pop always seems weird even still.
"Stop Pop and Justin Beiber" ? ; )
Water is the best supplement ever.
Awesome!!! Great times! I bet you'll rock it out with a road bike. Do you have plans to buy/borrow in the future?
How are your transition times? When I was looking to get 'faster' I would bring up data from past years Tri's and analyze the peeps in my age group to see where I needed to improve the most. I thought I needed a faster swim because I 'felt slow', but it was actually the bike I needed to work on! Who knew?!?
No issue, since I have no idea what MLM shakes are. I meant premade or homemade. Anything that saves time and doesn't have crap in it.
Hydration! I bet that's it. I don't think I got all of my water in yesterday. You people are brilliant, thanks!