EccentricDad Member


  • Assuming that you don't have any underlying health conditions that DOES make you unique, yes, everyone's body DOES function the same way. You are not a snowflake. Calories in versus calories out is the only way a person ever loses/gains mass. If you gained weight and you're a healthy individual, then you must have been…
  • Mentally it's easy to blame the close meals as the reason you gained weight, but if you look at how close your dinner is to your next day's breakfast you'll see that it was a longer fast and would have been an equal amount of burn in calories; only just before your breakfast you would have ran out of glucose and you would…
  • Most fasting windows are larger than what I do but a 12 hour fast would still qualify as an IF. Most people though do a minimum 16 hour fasting and eat in 8 hours maximum. The hardest part is getting all your calories in if you're going to do that though. I like 12 hours because it gives me time to digest between meals and…
  • Most people who IF eat their day's worth of calories in the eating window. I do a 12 hour IF and drink water during that time. After my 12 hour fast, I do a 12 hour eating window. This has helped my digestion problems and makes my weigh-ins more accurate since I am concerned with weighing my real mass and not the mass of…
  • I am not going to defend myself on this thread besides saying I exaggerated. All I want is help figuring out my maintenance since I've done everything I can on diet alone it seems. If people hate seeing me in forums, create a group of the people you like and don't go to public forums. It's as simple as that, you don't have…
  • Okay so before the thread gets locked (as there are all sorts of insults being thrown around) the answer is: Eat maintenance and just effing exercise? Got it, so can someone help me make sure I got my maintenance right?
  • Thank you for your reply. I appreciate this. I don't have much strength, but since I've never had strength I don't have much to compare it to. But I have been dabbling with exercise, it's just scary when it's all new to you and your parents didn't make it a priority so you live 30 years of your life as a hardcore gamer…
  • No, 5'8" 146 and I am looking to lose FAT. Big difference. Weight would be LBM, fat, muscle, or anything else that holds my body to a higher gravity; I just want to lose the fat and I've been told you can do it solely on diet (and I have, hence the 70+ lbs lost). I just want to get the little bit left to go away. It's not…
  • Look, I'm not refusing to exercise. It's complicated. I have 3 people in my house that codepend on me right now due to mental health issues. It's not as easy to find time as you think. I cook all my own meals, I do all the laundry, I do all the shopping, I do all the cleaning. I don't work really hard at it though so I…
  • Start by getting more sleep and STOP trying to be superwoman. A real person isn't divided that many directions. Cortisol is a major weight gain hormone (it's the stress hormone) and not getting 8 hours of sleep per night is going to keep your body fat on your body and cause food cravings. Just focus on sleeping and…
  • Unsaturated fats are the fats that lower LDL levels and allow oxygen to get in the blood cells without much effort. Poly is better than mono and you should focus on the omega 3 fatty acids from fish to get your fats when not getting it from red meat or poultry.
  • Some saturated fats are actually good for you like ones from dark chocolate and coconut. But some are bad for you because they turn into trans fats (hydrogenated oils). I would say as long as you're getting your sat fat from meat and natural sources it should be good in moderation. Like 10% of your calories or less.
  • And I trust bloodwork cholesterol (HDL/LDL) came back fine? Because that's my concern.
  • You have no idea how deficient people are of choline do you? An egg has like 23% of your daily requirement. A supplement is ideal if you're not eating 5 eggs a day.
  • God, I never considered how many eggs are in every day processed foods an yet here we go eating it for many years as a child up to adulthood... I guess that solves it then, eggs are safe. No sarcasm either, that validates the safety of it. Eggs are in EVERYTHING that is baked and I'm still alive and kickin'. Thanks…
  • BADASS! Any deets on it? Do you take it?
  • Nah, it's more fun being OP and wasting your time. Trololololololol.
  • Hey girl, I see how you've been catching on to my meme references and I think you're awesome. :flowerforyou:
  • I do the quoted as well, it's just cheaper to buy real eggs though so that's why I wanted to know the real story on eggs. The yolks are full of choline and I want ALL the choline. But I can't has the choline if I am fearing the cholesterol. I eat 1 egg a day and 2 to 3 egg equivalent in whites but I'd rather just eat 4…
  • So the jury says that eating ALL the eggs wouldn't be so bad as long as I am active? So why even bother tracking Cholesterol then? Seems like our nutrition labels need to be overhauled.
  • I used to emotionally eat. Now I just be emotional. Life's easier that way. Eff the people who call you emo; just stab them in the jaw with a fork and tell them to eff themselves.
  • Cholesterols. Very misunderstood creatures they are. But what would cause the inflammation? Underlining celiac or something like that? Or are you saying something else that would cause the disease? And knowing inflammation isn't a bad thing, why is there so many anti-inflammatory meds on the market? Not trying to argue,…
  • As far as my OP, it sounds like I just need to fight through it. Thank you for the on topic responses folks, I'll just keep on "keeping on". Still not sure how I'm going to find the motivation to put myself through this pain though; as a HSP I have very low tolerance to pain.
  • What are these "boobs" you speak of? :indifferent:
  • Yup, completely non-existent. I'm literally a bean pole. And I read that working out while on a 12 hour fast is good because it forces fat oxidation/metabolization. But I guess I should build up the strength to exercise first then worry about fat huh? But can I build up strength while on a cut still?
  • 30 years old and I have bone spurs on a disc in my thoracic region of my spine with no cartilage between my discs in that region as well. I don't have lupus or anything though they did think I had Rheumatoid Arthritis but that ended undecided before I lost health insurance. I think I just have typical muscle soreness as…
  • Bumping because I love fish and need your help. I know the most of you crawl pubmed and other credible sites, help me!!!!
  • So do the workout routine again after a day or two of rest and keep doing that cycle until the workout I'm doing doesn't give me soreness any more?
  • Bump (I have an old thoracic spinal injury with bone spurs and exercising hurts if I don't focus on posture or baby it)