EccentricDad Member


  • No. I just tell them that whether they are an academic failure or an academic genius it doesn't matter to me. All that matters to me is they learn how to take care of themselves and that they are healthy and safe. By having lower expectations, their behavior problems tend to go away, because like us as their parents with…
  • I am a stay at home Dad with two kids who are societally diagnosed as "ADHD". I word it that way because there is absolutely nothing wrong with my kids. The school system that you are in must be a conservative driven school district. Yes, politics play a heavy role in schools. Some teachers believe the lie that all…
  • First you need to be sure that you are feeling anxiety and not just excitement. Adrenaline can appear in both forms and it's hard to determine which is which. Second, if you determine it is anxiety, maybe you should discuss your insecurity with your husband and tell him how much he means to you and how bad you feel that…
  • If you honestly think that talking out your problems is "stupid" then you will always be an emotional eater. Can't push your feelings down by trying to soothe yourself with chocolate. Feelings win every time. If you can't be honest, vulnerable, and sensitive with your partner, then this is something that will never be…
  • Surprised no one had any advice. :/ Anyone know of easy rewards that are healthy and worthy of being addicted over?
  • Dairy is in everything so read labels. The first week you're going to be getting over the addiction of your intolerance. Look up "Withdrawal symptoms". Because of your elimination, are you eating your BMR? Or below it? Still have to eat the BMR at the very least if you're not. Your diary is closed so I can't help you, but…
  • Wife gave me the green light to get a membership. I'm too anxious to go in and sign up. I know the feeling my friend. For me, the anxiety comes from risk of failure and ridicule/bullying. Any idea where yours comes from?
  • It's not uncommon for people with Celiac to have IBS as well. If you were diagnosed with Celiac then you could have both, but if you eliminated gluten as an elimination diet of your own, wheat has a type of sugar in it that can irritate IBS people. Try a low carb diet for a week and see if you have any relief; or you can…
  • Google "Carb Flu" or "overcoming addiction" and you'll see what you're more than likely going through. Since you probably haven't replaced ALL the carbs you were eating with Gluten free options (or you did like me and just quit carbs besides fruits and veggies all together) then your body is going to have to adjust to not…
  • Most people on a gluten free diet end up going Paleo because of the restrictions are very similar.
  • Silk unsweetened almond milk. Remember, you're not drinking it for pleasure, you're drinking it for the calcium. Well, actually, since the calcium isn't natural, it's juts a liquid version of a dietary supplement pill. For me, I drink it because it's mind over matter; I need milk to complete a meal. It was how I was raised…
  • My weight fell off. Of course I didn't substitute the Gluten foods with Gluten Free versions though. I just quit breads, cakes, crackers, chips, cookies, rolls, biscuits, buns, doughnuts, and anything else made from grains. Also, I started taking a daily vitamin and a probiotic. Lastly, I started watching my calories…
  • Eat your TDEE. I know it sucks because in our logical minds if you eat less then you will lose more right? No, it doesn't exactly work that way because your body has a certain level of upkeep that you need to maintain or else your body will eat itself to get the nutrients it needs. If you did the thing and…
  • OP, I think you have a lot of great advice and it's very diverse. Hopefully you can find something in this thread that will help you. Good luck and try not to respond to anyone giving you a hard time as it will keep this thread active for the wrong reasons (something that happens to me a lot on here).
  • Yeah, you should follow your TDEE. You can get it at this website: I was skeptical too at first because I was losing just fine at 1200 calories. But then I learned I was losing muscle and fat and now I'm "skinny fat" as a result... So basically, the scale says 144 lbs. But the body…
  • I could read it fine. I think you're just giving her a hard time for personal reasons/preferences. If she wants to be hip and do things her own way, that's up to her. Her problems are still real though and need solving. Just get over the brain issue and help if you're going to help.
  • ^This. Introverts (especially ones with social anxiety) who work with the public need to recharge their social/emotional battery before they can go back out into the public. If you aren't an introvert, then you very well could have anemia (low iron) or a B12 deficiency (tired blood) so it goes back to my malnutrition idea.…
  • You still haven't said how many calories you're eating and if it's at your TDEE maintenance level or if you're trying one those 1200 calorie diets. Eating "some protein" or a "small snack" isn't going to give your body the nutrition it needs. How are you going to be healthy if you're starving your body? It's like trying to…
  • I have a fear of the gym. I'm afraid of the commitment required to go. I'm afraid of other people being nasty at me or staring at me with disgust. I'm afraid of not knowing what to do and having to ask for help. I'm afraid of getting hurt at the gym because I did something wrong. I'm afraid of admitting that I don't know…
  • Eat. The only reason to be low in energy by the time you get home (besides depression and other health issues) is that you didn't eat enough or the right foods. You could also be lethargic from a sugar/caffeine crash. I wouldn't recommend taking more sugar/caffeine to fix it either. Just get your body used to a diet higher…
  • This is how it was explained to me by other MFP users: Fat loss/muscle gain happens at maintenance, not at a deficient. It's impossible to build muscle on a loss and it's impossible to lose fat on a gain too. If you eat at maintenance, you will be at a loss and at a gain at different times of the day; making it possible to…
  • First see what calorie you're supposed to be eating at here: Then go to my home, goals, change goals, custom goals, and change your %'s to read: 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat or 45/25/30 to start with. Eliminate all breads and processed sugars from your diet like: Gummy worms, weight…
  • Exercise SHOULD make you hungrier. Your body wants calories so it can operate and repair! If you are eating a sedentary lifestyle's worth of calories and exercising but not eating your calories back then you are doing your body a HUGE disservice; especially if your net calories are under your REE (resting energy…
  • Avocados are healthy fats though. Maybe you should focus more on your carb count instead? The likelihood of your fat count causing you to gain weight is unlikely as fat is used to repair your cells/organs; carbs on the hand are almost strictly energy sources and need to be burned. Sure, some carbs have function for our…
  • She was saying that the calories in versus calories out doesn't apply to her. I was merely telling her that she isn't a snowflake and that if she was undereating (but over 1200) with "healthy foods" then it's impossible that she was steadily gaining weight without there being an underlying health problem or without her…
  • Sugar is the least of your concerns if you are controlling your overall carb intake. But as far as weight loss is concerned, unless your body doesn't handle glucose properly (you are insulin resistant or you have an intolerance to the foods containing carbs), then carbs shouldn't be a concern as long as you are burning…
  • No, but I've looked at your diary and you could be over-eating now. Are you measuring your food with a food scale? Are you typing in your own recipes instead of using pre-existing ones? Are you verifying the food database reflects the product you're eating? And lastly, did you check your TDEE to make sure you're eating at…
  • Show me the science that proves your point. The only reason that different bodies would react differently is an underlying health problem/disease. The human body wasn't created with extra hormones, or extra organs, or any other deformity that would prevent our bodies to function the way it was intended to do. If you have…
  • Why do you avoid polyunsaturated? I thought trans was the only "bad" one? Aren't omega-3 fatty acids poly?