Too Tired To Exercise Most Days.



  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Why Do You Capitalize Every Word?

    You just have to do it. Don't even turn on the T.V. Go home, change into workout clothes without even sitting down and do it.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    What I did was clean my diet up for two weeks, then started the Couch to 5k program. Regular exercise also improves your overall energy levels. Even on days I feel too tired, I do it anyway, and then I feel energized.
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    Oh, and don't worry about the negative people who say you DON"T really want to exercise. There are some people around here who are so much less than supportive and encouraging. Apparently they are so perfect that they have LOTS of time to troll the message boards and put people down rather than sharing some of their overabundance of fitness advice. Don't let them discourage you. It must be so hard for them to be so perfect and see people that aren't every where they look....
  • JennKie1
    JennKie1 Posts: 200 Member
    I have the same problem. I finally just started changing into my gym clothes at work and then stopping at the gym on the way home. If I went home first, I always found an excuse not to go.......

    It is tough to establish a routine. It's one of those deals where you're too tired to work out, but if you do work out, you feel better and eventually have more energy. I always sleep much better at night after I've worked out too, so I'm more rested the next day, then I have more energy to exercise, etc........It's just a matter of getting started.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    Do whatever it takes to START each workout. I often find that, even on my bad days, once I actually start lifting, running, rowing, or whatever I'm doing, I can keep the momentum going. The challenge is getting the gumption for that first few minutes.
  • nashai01
    nashai01 Posts: 536 Member
    Why Do You Capitalize Every Word?

    I thought I was the only one thinking this
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    Quit whining. Either exercise or don't, but we don't need to hear your (lame) excuses.

  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Id punch a monkey to get off work at 3pm. Im not usually home until well after 6pm and then I usually have to leave again for an activity. The up at 5:30am is killing me though.
  • joliexlove
    Oh, and don't worry about the negative people who say you DON"T really want to exercise. There are some people around here who are so much less than supportive and encouraging. Apparently they are so perfect that they have LOTS of time to troll the message boards and put people down rather than sharing some of their overabundance of fitness advice. Don't let them discourage you. It must be so hard for them to be so perfect and see people that aren't every where they look....

    Thank You. I Appreciate That. If I Didn't Want To I Wouldn't Be Wasting My Time Trying To Get Ideas. If I Didn't Want To I Would've Never Signed Up For This Website And Never Would Have Bothered To Post. I've Never Posted On Any Message Boards Anywhere And Now I Remember Why...

    Anyways, I've Decided (With The Help Of The Ones With Actual Suggestions) To Take My Work Out Clothes With Me To Work And Hit The Gym After. No Going Straight Home. And Eat Some Protein/Small Snack For Some Energy To Get The Workout Started.
  • babymamahowell
    Sitting down when you get home is probably your worse enemy. I don't know if you have kids, but a mom once told me to never sit down in the 3rd shift. 1st shift being the morning and getting kids ready, 2nd shift being work day, 3rd shift being when you get home and getting dinner and kids to bed. Which I have found is so true. I work mostly 8-5 and when I get home it is busy with the kids and I've found if I sit down, I'm done. I do better working out in the morning because I'm to tired after the kids are in bed. You need to find what work out routine works for you and do it. I honestly have more energy when I work out.....You can do it!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    If you're going to the gym....why not just go to the gym instead of going home?
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    can you try going before work instead?

    I Start Work At 6am, The Gym Opens At 5am. Plus, Its Way Too Dark At 4am/5am To Try Any Outside Activites. LoL. Wish I Did Work Later. :frown:

    I have a fear of the gym.
    I'm afraid of the commitment required to go.
    I'm afraid of other people being nasty at me or staring at me with disgust.
    I'm afraid of not knowing what to do and having to ask for help.
    I'm afraid of getting hurt at the gym because I did something wrong.
    I'm afraid of admitting that I don't know how to take care of my body and I need help.
    I'm afraid of pushing myself too hard and causing myself to have a heart attack.
    But most importantly, I'm afraid of what people will say when they hear I'm going to the gym.
    I have a fear of the gym because I have an anxiety disorder.

    If you are like me and the thought of going to the gym puts you in a panic attack, you can work out at home. But like my other post says, if you aren't eating enough or the right foods, you won't have the energy to do anything. This could be due to malnutrition of essential vitamins like Magnesium, Potassium, or Iron to name a few; or it could be due to depression or your work being a bad fit for your personality and you are stressed and feel exercising would only bring you more stress (which it actually does the opposite).

    Anyways, the point of my 2nd reply was to tell you that if you don't feel comfortable going to the gym, you can work out at home. If you feel too ridiculous doing that, then you aren't committed to your "new body" and you're looking for an easy way out. Sure, you could diet your way down to skinniness, but you would just be a skinny person that is composed of fat instead of muscle (which doesn't look attractive and is still unhealthy). So your best option is to eat at a modest deficiency and work out. If you don't want to work out, then I hope that "skinny fat" is the look you'll accept (skinny in clothes, but fat underneath them).
  • joliexlove
    Why Do You Capitalize Every Word?

    I thought I was the only one thinking this

    Habit. Why Does It Matter? I Don't Understand The Relevance Of It Really... Not What The Topic Is About.
  • joshkilborn
    joshkilborn Posts: 46 Member
    I used to feel the same way after work. I work 8 to 6 and on my feet all day. The best way I found is to rest a couple hours after work and then get up to work out. it may seem hard at first, but it get easier the more you do it until it's just natural to you. I've tried doing it before work but 1, I'm not a morning person, and 2, I feel more worn out the rest of the day. It seems to be working well for me though.
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    Why Do You Capitalize Every Word?

    I thought I was the only one thinking this

    Habit. Why Does It Matter? I Don't Understand The Relevance Of It Really... Not What The Topic Is About.

    When I read each word in my head I read it as if it were the first word of the sentence. My brain doesn't like it.
  • dvelasco69
    Go to the gym straight from work. That's what I always did before I had kids. Then you will be more likely to eat a healty dinner and less night time snacking because you exercised. Good luck!
  • joliexlove
    Quit whining. Either exercise or don't, but we don't need to hear your (lame) excuses.


    I'm Simply Asking How To Get Motivated And Start. Clearly I'm New At Trying To Make Myself Better. If I Knew How I Wouldn't Be Here Asking For Suggestions.
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Oh, and don't worry about the negative people who say you DON"T really want to exercise. There are some people around here who are so much less than supportive and encouraging. Apparently they are so perfect that they have LOTS of time to troll the message boards and put people down rather than sharing some of their overabundance of fitness advice. Don't let them discourage you. It must be so hard for them to be so perfect and see people that aren't every where they look....

    These are the types of replies that do nothing and continue to support the "every kid gets a trophy" mentality we seem to be stuck in. Support comes in many forms; sometimes it is a harsh slap of reality, sometimes it is a pat on the back, BOTH can be effective and not everyone gives support in the same way. The reason you get the "slap in the face" type of support when you say something like "I'm too tired to work out" even though you get home at 3pm(and i'm assuming you are unmarried and without kids since you didn't mention those as reasons) is because there are people on these support boards who really have REAL problems with finding the time to work out(disabilities, working 3 jobs to make ends meet, no money for gym memberships, etc) AND many of them find a way to find the time.

    Kick your own *kitten*, get up off the couch, slam a coffee and go to the gym! Problem solved!
  • zebisis
    zebisis Posts: 157
    I DVR awesome shows, and then put them on while I am doing my elliptical trainer. I do not let myself watch said awesome shows unless I am working out. FFWDing through commercials, a 1 hr show is about perfect for a 40-45 min session. I always feel awesome about 16 min in, and then awesome for hours after.

    See how much awesome is in the above paragraph?

    There is ZERO awesome in sitting and doing nothing, for me. No awesome shows, no feeling awesome.
    I reward myself, therefore it helps me look forward to it. Retraining the pathways in the brain and all.

    And I work from home, so it is hard to justify STOPPING work, and going to workout. I have just made it mandatory.