Week 1 Elimination complete=Fuzzy Brain??

tikafly Posts: 184 Member
Ack! It's finals week, and I cannot think clearly at all. This has fuzzy brain been ongoing for days, and I'm really struggling. I can't focus on any given thing for any length of time.

Could this be due to the elimination diet? I feel so "off". I can't think of anything else it could be.


  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    What are you eating on your elimination diet? Are you getting enough calories? Certainly it can take 2-3 weeks to finish detoxing and start to feel better. When I went off of gluten, I wanted to sleep for the next two weeks.
  • tikafly
    tikafly Posts: 184 Member
    My diet has been chaotic since the change. I'm still figuring out what I can eat, and some days I do not get enough calories in. I do make sure I have a higher day the day after if I have a low day. I'm getting better at this every day. I'm eating a lot of chicken and turkey, fruit, nuts, eggs, and a salad here and there; however, I am eating more carbs and less protein than I was before (not intentional-- I'm still trying to figure out what I can eat and how to meet macros).

    I have been a bit depressed this week because of the elimination diet, and I have also had to stop running. I have an MRI on Monday to diagnose my leg pain: suspected stress fracture or partially ruptured calf muscle. In addition, I am wrapping up an extremely difficult college semester. ...on top of my other random daily mommy duties like soccer practice and volunteering. I've just hit a really rough patch, but I know it'll be better in a few weeks. This was not the best time to be dx with food allergies and start an elimination diet!

    I do feel like I could sleep until Christmas without waking. The lack of concentration and energy is really becoming a problem for me. It's reassuring to hear that it may be due in part to the elimination diet, but it should get better.

    Thanks again for your support.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Okay, I was just glancing at your diary to see what you were eating, and it doesn't look like a typical elimination diet. So maybe what I need to ask is:

    a) what have you eliminated?

    b) what are you eating more than you used to?
  • tikafly
    tikafly Posts: 184 Member
    I have eliminated dairy, beef, and pork. Those are the allergies that i tested positive for. I am eating more fruit and nuts, but I still haven't found alternatives to things I was regularly eating. I always ate a lot of chicken, so thats nothing new. This has me feeling very limited in what I eat. I need to focus more on figuring out what I can eat that I actually like.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    Dairy is in everything so read labels.
    The first week you're going to be getting over the addiction of your intolerance. Look up "Withdrawal symptoms".
    Because of your elimination, are you eating your BMR? Or below it? Still have to eat the BMR at the very least if you're not.
    Your diary is closed so I can't help you, but your elimination seems easy. What are you allergic too in dairy, whey or casein?
    If you're allergic to casein then you're probably intolerant to gluten (not a true allergy if it's non-celiac gluten intolerance).
    If you're allergic to whey and not casein then you're probably getting wheyed some how (read labels closely).
    Good luck. When you eliminate the culprit it takes about a week to two weeks to recover if you're getting ample sleep.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    From your diary, you are very limited in variety. Start expanding your repertoire. Be open to new foods. Don't worry if they are not typical breakfast foods for breakfast, etc. Don't worry if they "go together" in a meal. Your calories tend to be very low, try to get some more calories in, that will help a bit with the fuzzy-headedness and fatigue as well, but some of it is just due to detox/withdrawal. Multiple allergies can be due to leaky gut from celiac disease. Have you been tested?