jagivan Member


  • Blessings! I'm Jeri, 31, from Southern IL. I was born & raised in church, but fell off the wagon for quite some time. I've been going at it hard for a little over the past 2 years. What a Saviour we have in Jesus! God bless you, Regina, for starting a scriptural group! If anyone would like to add me as a friend, feel free.
  • Same here. I don't see the change in me until I put on old clothes, & then I'm like, "Well, maybe a little.." lol. My heaviest weight was 199 (I'm SURE I topped that, but thankful I didn't see those numbers on the scale). I'm down to 169 with a goal of 155 (I hoped to get there by the end of June for vacay, but I don't…
  • ^^^ Co-sign. Congratulations!
  • I'm not new to the app, but new to having friends here & logging religiously... I'm adding all of you. I'm sorry, or you're welcome; whichever applies. lol