lashawn0187 Member


  • Hello all I have been struggling on this challenge but have not given up!! I know we all will succeed!!!
  • I like that $1 jar might have to add this as well!
  • I will have to view this video...I'm in the same boat like many others don't make good choices on weekends...I will try my best to stay focus I to am going out of town all next week so I will make it a point to stay on track as much as I possibly can!!
  • Oh yeah I think I might have to keep my cheese intake in much fat but sooo good!!
  • Hello my name is LaShawn Goals for the 100 day challenge 1-NO ALCOHOL 2-12-14 cups of water everyday 3-log on MFP daily no matter what 4-No fried foods 5-No sushi...I'm going to miss this so much... 6-No sweets or sodas 7-Workout 4-5xs a week (more if possible) 8-Cook as many home cooked meals as possible I think that is…
  • I am the same height as you and know exactly what most everyone is saying with being short it shows so much more on us then with taller people. At my current weight now I am considered overweight even though most people look at me and think I weigh less than what the scale says I do. I know I have a long way to go to that…
  • I agree with you ilovedeadlift, I have found that to achieve my goals I rarely even go out anymore because one I'm spending money that I don't need to and 2- as you say all those calories adds up and then the food choices goes down south so quickly. And many people who go out every weekend to the club, etc. are not trying…
  • I know what you mean I was doing great doing the work week then on the weekends I would drink like a fish, but still workout and have paid the price because I have only lost 1 pd in the 15 days that I have been working out. So I decided to either once a week (if I lost weight that week) or just leave it alone all together…
  • This is so funny I was going to blog about me becoming addicted to this site! lol I'm in love with it more than I was a few months ago when I first discovered it!
  • I had bought one from its was about $5-6 and it helps so much because it shows you how it looks to eat 4oz and after awhile you will just know just be sight. I use them and measuring cups to keep my portions in check!
  • I agree with you during the week I don't get as much calories as I should when I'm working because I work the mid-shift 1400-2400 so I don't like to eat too late if I can help it and usually go to sleep hungry.
  • I was weighing myself on Sat morning and still working out then taking off Sundays. But now that it is getting closer to my trip in mid-Sept. I'm going to start weighing myself on Sunday mornings and do a light workout just cardio on Sundays. I got so much weight to lose that I have to us everyday I can!
  • Chilling at the house thinking I might get a glass of wine looking at television. I have to be up early in the morning for military drill so not going to have a weekend at all!
  • Well, I'm also one of these short people (5'3) at this time I am 148lbs the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I feel so embrassed because I can hardly wear anything in my closet and have resorted to just wearing long dresses at this time. Its so hard when you are short because we all know the shorter you are the worst…