Appropriate user name. Story checks out.
No no ... it's all good. I was just clarifying why I was asking. :)
You can drink non-infused vodka straight as well (source: every Russian I've ever met). I was curious because I'm always interested in new drink ideas and I haven't had this particular infusion yet.
I've never seen a bottle of wine or spirit with nutritional information listed. Pretty much only beer and cider - and even then it is often only on the retail package and not the can or bottle. Just out of curiosity - do you plan to make mixed drinks or drink it straight? Edit: and I read your post as "Unfortunately there…
80 Proof vodka is 64 calories per ounce. 350ml is 12.6 ounces. In your case ... 64 * 12.6 = 806 calories. When you say vodka is low in calories you have to remember that people mean per serving relative to other alcoholic drinks. Compared to a single serving of beer or wine? Yeah ... lower calories (when mixed with a…
This. Other than making sure you have plenty of water and avoid too much alcohol the night before, there isn't a whole lot you need to do to prepare for a 10k that isn't part of your normal training routine.
You have had an amazing year.
The 10% advice is solid. Going from 6 -> 13 without stopping at 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 ... it's just not worth the risk.
I run with a hash house harrier kennel. Yes, running is traditional but we do it in a very non-traditional way.
This is the only answer. We lose weight in the kitchen, not the gym.
IT'S A TRAP! Just stick to your dietary plans.
Can you cite a modern study that says any of those things? Because most of the studies I've read debunk most of those as myths and at least one recent study found that drinking diet soda in fact improved the chance of a diet being successful ( Do I drink a lot of…
Picked up a CZ 75BD and a Rugar 22/45 ... both were my next "gotta have it" guns. Not sure what is next but I'm thinking a rifle. I miss my old Remington Bushmaster 35 - not sure I'd want that exact gun back (oddball ammo can be a pain) but I do miss hunting.
One way or another, you are indeed done.
You will never be in a better position to do this than now. At 18 your skin is still very elastic. You have a very good chance, if you lose the weigh slowly and add muscle through strength training, to have minimal loose skin.
Impressive. During the 2 weeks I've been tracking I've only hit about 1.6. It's actually been a little disappointing because I know I can do better. I will do better.
You have a lot of options - this is my first google hit: Are any of these good? No idea but my point is that if your goal is heart rate and calorie *estimation* (which is all it is - even with heart rate info) - then there are options that are…
When my scale was the Wii Fit in the living room ... probably weekly. A couple weeks ago I bought a bathroom scale and now I weigh myself a few times a day. Now hold your warnings weighing too often or whatever... (a) I don't care what it says. I'm just curious how I fluctuate over time. I record my weight every 4 days.…
Hurry up, Fatty!
No. Our lifestyle is based on our average days, not our extremes. Sure, I might go on a shopping bender and walk a few hours (though let's be honest - if you walked the mall a few times in 5 hours then you were, overall, moving less than 1mph on average - even if you were in the Mall of America) - but so what? On days that…
Blackberry Kolsch? That sound fantastic. Care to share the recipe?
Yeah, I did.
Of course. Your diet should focus around your goals. If you are trying to gain muscle mass then you almost certainly have to eat above your TDEE. If you are trying to lose weight you have to eat at a deficit. If you are trying to lose weight AND gain muscle mass ... well ... good luck to you. Edit: wrote "BMR" but meant…
Strength gains and muscle size gains (hypertrophy) are distinct from each other - especially with new lifters.
You can easily fix the ticker. Click on "Apps" Click on "Tickers" Click on "Update your weight data" Change your starting weight. Click "Save Changes" Done!
This study is the battle-cry of the entire HAES movement. I have no problem with the study. I'm sure it's accurate. I would bet that 95% of us have failed at at least one diet after significant weight loss. But, and this is why I despise what the HAES has become, it's no excuse to ignore every other study, thousands of…
I'm with you on this one. I can't even imagine what a ruckus 8 mangos in one sitting would have on my gut, not to mention the nearly 2lbs of potatoes chased down by the business end of a Thanksgiving cornucopia.
Maybe I live in the wrong (right?) place ... but is this really a problem? People throwing out unopened non-perishable food? I've never seen it but then I don't go digging through my neighbor's trash either.
I log in daily and have over 100 to lose. Anyone in the same boat should feel free to add me.
Hello, Sporadic homebrewer of mediocre beers and prolific consumer of fine ales here. Currently living in North Carolina (Raleigh) but I'm a Minnesotan at heart. I have to admit, though, the south is growing on me. Since I love to drink and I tolerate running, I am a semi-regular attendee of a local Hash House Harrier…