

  • A lot depends on your age and your body structure (build), but I agree with allaboutty - I'm 5'9" and, although I've gotten quite heavy over the past 7-8 years and I have quite a bit still to lose, I remember when I was at 137 (age 33) and everybody kept telling me I was WAY too thin. I would say that at 134 lbs, you…
  • Just an update: when I was counting calories alone and staying right about the 1200 mark per day, I was getting somewhere . . . but very slowly and I kept giving up. I have been eating "way reduced" carbs for three weeks now and I'm in a size 16 where I was literally squeezing into a size 20 three weeks ago. I estimate I…
  • It is very true that weight gain adds years - not only in looks, but in overall health. Another thing that REALLY helps you look younger because you're losing weight is drinking water. The more water you drink, the more hydrated your skin gets. I have noticed an amazing change in my complexion since I started drinking my 8…
  • Very cool. Congratulations! Keep up the good work!
  • Oh, I agree with you - with the exception that I don't consider this to be a "fad" diet. No carbs at all might be a fad diet, but if you read through the information on about low-carb diets, you'll find that even those who've authored books and come up with programs like South Beach and Atkins for eliminating…
  • When I woke up yesterday morning, I felt a little bit weak - but that passed after I ate breakfast and drank my water. Last evening I was at an event and there were "treats". I stuck to the fruit (although didn't know I shouldn't probably have grapes), but this morning I found I didn't have that "tired" feeling that I know…
  • Hi - I'd like to join this group, too, but I'm not comfortable putting my real name out there. Hope that's okay! Name: LuvChocLabs Age: 53 Kids: 5 (3 of my own and two step) Pets: one female chocolate lab, 2 years old (Our Baby!) Married/SO: Married Eating Lifestyle: low-carb Starting weight: 215 Goal Weight: 150 Goals for…
  • Can you tell me about how long it took you to lose the 60 lbs??
  • Thanks, I'll check that out.
  • You guys are awesome! :heart:
  • I'm in. I've been working on changing bad habits for two weeks now and I'm already feeling results - but my scale has a dead battery, so I've no official weigh in weight yet. Hopefully I can get a battery this week and make it official. I figure I'm somewhere between 210 - 220, and my goal is to get down to 150 - 160. If I…
  • That's a really good question - happens to me sometimes, too. I don't really have the answer, though. Hoping some experts will offer advice. My gut tells me that it's not a good idea to skip ANY meals - so if that's true, what can you eat late that won't sabotage your weight loss efforts?
  • Dear Accuser: Yes - you know who you are. I'm putting you on notice: I will not listen to your lies anymore. I won't believe you when you tell me what a failure I am - how every mistake I've made has rendered me hopeless, and there is no going back. I'm not going to listen when you tell me it's always my fault, that I'm…
  • You're on the right track - changing those habits one at a time, like eating out (or for me, not drinking enough water and getting dehydrated so that I was too thirsty by evening and then splurging on sugary drinks), is a good strategy. Once you get one habit broken, begin on another . . . that way it doesn't seem so…