

  • I do low carb and low calorie, I pretty much exist on eggs, chicken breast, lean pork chops, fish and veggies sauteed in olive oil. I let myself have almonds or peanut butter as a snack.....try to stick to the "good" kinds of fats found in these foods. I did low carb the high calorie way several years ago and gained it all…
  • I do what I call a 'healthy' version of Atkins. I do very low carb for two weeks (under 12 a day), and then began adding them back in gradually. I do anywhere between 30-50 carbs a day now and am still in weight loss mode. I eat tons of lean proteins (chicken, pork, turkey) and lots of green veggies (spinach, zucchini, and…
  • Good for you! This site is great, really creates accountability and makes you so much more aware of what you are eating. Good Luck on your journey!
  • I buy fresh zucchini and sautee it in a tiny bit of olive oil (good fat!) with lots of pepper and a little salt, if you want more flavor, you can add fresh garlic at the end too. Just don't over-cook, it tastes much better when it still has a little crunch! I eat it almost every day. :)
    in zucchini Comment by wljr02 November 2009