stephaniecrg Member


  • I have about 60 lbs to lose, so I know I'll have to tweak it as I lose. I think you're supposed to re-run the numbers every 5-10 pounds. Interesting insight into adjusting BMR based on body type. Since I'm heavy, I would almost certainly need to adjust down, based on what you said. I'm going to leave it as is for now and…
  • Definitely sedentary! Until until a couple of weeks ago I was working out a lot, but I just changed jobs and I'm trying to find the right time in my schedule to workout. Once I do get back into a rhythm, I intend to eat back most if not all workout calories.
  • Both? I did online calculators and worked the equations myself and got right around the same results (give or take ~10 calories).
  • Not drama at all! I just meant I wasn't looking for any of the heated arguments that happen around here sometimes. :) EDIT: I meant for there to be a quote from someone in here, but alas... I screwed up.
  • I guess that makes sense! I know MFP doesn't differentiate between natural sugar and processed, but I remember my recommendation when I first started a couple of years ago was 24 grams, so the big jump seemed abnormal. I never track sugar personally, but the recommendation was surprising to me. You're completely right,…
  • Hmm, I suppose you're right in that regard! The way I understood it, it was 1200 or 1500 before workout calories, leaving me at 1500 or 1700 post workout, respectively. I guess it comes down to if you want exercise cals to count or not. Thanks!
  • Interesting! Thanks for the input. I've always heard/read/been told to eat back the calories I burned in exercise. Hm... Anyway, I'm totally comfortable eating 1200 cals a day, I just wondered if it was too low and my body was holding onto the weight and if I should up my caloric intake to counteract that.
  • I did a LOT of research on this topic because I was having a huge freakout over my sugar intake. I hated that two pieces of fruit shot my sugar intake through the roof!! What I found out is that. basically, sugar is sugar. Whether refined or natural, your body is going to turn it into fat. HOWEVER, unless you're hitting a…
  • Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the answers. I wasn't sure if I needed to increase my sodium, but I feel a lot better now about my levels!