I started in 2012 and I lost 72 lbs the first year, 35 this past year, and I have about 30-40 to go. The first year was easy but I think that was because I was much heavier and had a lot more weight to lose. I wish I would've gotten my eating more on track (I was still losing weight even though I was eating junk) because I…
- people who feel the need to post every fitness/weight loss related thing to every social media account they have. I congratulate you for wanting to get healthy, but I don't need to see your "5 lbs lost!" weight watchers app screen shot every week. You can go to the gym without telling the world, I promise! - when a…
I think so, yes! I have only been doing this for a week and I managed to lose 3.4 lbs (I also started weightlifting 3 times a week). But not only that, I have so much more energy and I just generally feel better. Good luck!
2013 Hyundai Sonata as of yesterday... love!