

  • good idea about the parm cheese might give that a try. thanks
  • you have to keep in mind that Him and I both grew up on only canned veggies except corn on the cob. So the fact that the only veggies he likes are canned makes sense now me I live for salads(lettuce, tomato, pepper, cukes, onion, etc. not to much See a canned pea to both of us taste so much better then a…
  • Thanks all, I've tried very hard to get the hubster to eat more veggies he has tried them all and either it actually makes him sick or he knows even if they are hidden he's but we will continue to try he has said that he would try everything but onion onion actually seriously makes him sick soooo but hey maybe…
  • thanks for the links
  • Thanks I already found marks apple thanks! looking forward to really kicking some grain/sugar/carb *kitten*
  • I've recently finished reading the new atkins for a new you book and it totally makes sense in why I haven't lost weight and why I have a hard time losing the weight I think that you should read that book even if you don't follow it completely it will help and inform you on things you wouldn't have realized before well at…