wjohnsey Member


  • I'd like to join you but I'm in Mandarin. I've been thinking about going downtown though on the weekends and walking the Riverwalk. I'd like to find other places like that to walk besides just walking through neighborhoods and up and down Sunbeam Road. I hope you found a walking buddy and are doing well.
  • I get Isopure Cookies & Cream off Amazon for $36. 50gs of protein and zero carbs in a serving and it tastes good. There are 22 servings in a 3lb jug so really it's about the same cost as the Premier premixed (12 for . $20). They have a few other flavors for $42 each. The same product at GNC is $54.
  • Absolutely!
  • It took me almost 8 months to weave my way through all of the insurance requirements (including 3 months of nutrition supervision) and medical clearances from my doctors, primarily because my Primary Care Physician and Cardiologist are with the Veterans Healthcare system. It was very frustrating and I had little support…
  • Hi Christy, I'm new here too. I am 1 week post-surgery and I am doing great. I was on insulin, metformin, and glipizide for my Type 2 diabetes. My doc had me stop the metformin a few days before the surgery and my last insulin shot was the day before. My sugar readings were between 120-140 in the hospital and they…