

  • Watch the sodium. Sodium makes you retain fluids, hence more water weight. Now, you need sodium, but try not to go over the recommended daily amount. I think this week I have been over every single day and did not lose a pound of weight, even though I met my calorie goal and exercised at least 60 minutes a day.-which I…
  • The Medifast program actually looks like a really good program. It has the weight loss phase, the transition phase, and the maintenance phase. Takes dedication. I hope you are able to lose a lot more than 40 ibs, if that is your goal of course. Again congrats and the program looks good to me. May try it.
  • 20 pounds a month is pretty good. Congrats. To all those who seem to have a problem with this method. Who cares how one loses the weight as long as they lose the weight. The method is just the tool to get you where you want to go. Sometimes people add weight back because of certain things happening in their life. If you…
  • Awesome. Truly amazing. Don't go back. I have lost weight and then gained it all back multiple times. It is a pain in the rear end to lose. Keep up the good work.