It's a four-way tie between Alanis Morissette, Chad Kroeger, Beyonce and Mariah Carey
Wow, I didn't think anyone else read Gabriel Garcia-Marquez. Love in the Time of Cholera is also superb - I hope that's how the title translates into English....
de Saint-Exupery rules!!! My favourite childhood book.
My tree is still up. It's too gorgeous and still too fresh and great-smelling to take it down. Maybe this coming weekend.
Budapest, Vienna, Salzburg, Luzern, Lugano - but I would like to live in London, England, not London, Ontario :)
This. Except counselor.
Absolutely, hands down, the best!!!! Unfortunately, we have a loooooooooooooong wait to find out how Sherlock didn't die :) they start filming Season 3 in March 2013, due to scheduling conflicts.
They are!!!
Luzerne and especially Lugano, Switzerland, are my favourites so far. At the end of June, the surrounding mountains were still snow-capped but there are palm trees on the shore of Lake Lugano. Simply spectacular!
We have a Dr. Deathe in town. I don't know if he still practices ....
This. Luckily, the last load is always whites, socks mostly, so we just pick from the pile :)
On my last trip, six of those were screaming in surround sound during half of the plane ride - that's four hours :((( I was ready to jump out of the plane halfway through....
Mine is a combination of head in the clouds (mine always is, it seems) and being over the hill, which at 50 I kind of am, hence headoverhills :)
Dark brown, without a doubt.
Counting down the days... Peter Jackson, Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen and the awesomeness just goes on and on....
Both Hangover movies (I stopped watching Hangover II after 5 minutes); Bridesmaids (nothing brilliant about it, and I gave it an honest try - twice!!!), anything Adam Sandler; and the Five Year Engagement (what a waste of talented and beautiful Emily Blunt!)
Pulp Fiction, In Bruges, Donnie Darko
Smores pop tarts - my kryptonite.
Munich, Germany. German efficiency, extremely easy to get around in, signs, seating areas everywhere, the best shops - buttersoft leather handbags, anyone?, and clean, clean, clean. Did I mention clean?
1. Lord of the Rings trilogy (I'm cheating, that's already 3!) :-) 2. The English Patient 3. The Social Network I can't pick only three!!! Not fair! Pride and Prejudice (the newest one), Young Victoria, BBC Sherlock (my latest obsession), A Home at the End of the World, Ocean's 11 (the rest, not so much), House of Sand and…
Definitely a potty-mouth, not sure about the badass part, 50 yr old Londoner (Ontario)
Ditto :) I'm a repeat offender who uses "dude" every now and then
You are unique and beautiful just the way you are. High school sucks, just get through it. Stick with your university studies, they're the most fun you'll have!! Don't be a perfectionist, you'll end up in the looney bin at 70 :) (Still heading that way ....) DON'T MARRY A "PROJECT", thinking you can change them, IT DOESN"T…
I love Burberry Brit!!!! My daughter "stole" it from me, I need to steal it back!
Calvin Klein Euphoria - LOVE IT! Marc Jacobs Daisy Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue Marc Jacobs Bang Marc Jacobs Dot (new)
Indigo tomato, yummm!!!
Canadian, eh! Actually, it's not that simple, because I immigrated to Canada when I was 24 so I have a mixture of Hungarian and Romanian in my accent and no one can identify it correctly :) Most think I'm French, some guess Eastern European but no one to date guessed Hungarian because I guess having spoken Romanian since…
Big time. Not even guilty about it, though. I decided not to log and just enjoy everything. Tomorrow is another day! :smile:
Happy Thanksgiving all! Ontarian here - already started celebrating today. Two Thanksgiving dinners are better than one :)