

  • Here are some recipes that I copied off of a related thread... French Vanilla Formula 1 1. French Vanilla 1 scoop Vanilla Formula 1 1 scoop Cookies and Cream F1 1 scoop Vanilla PDM 1 tbsp Vanilla Syrup 1 tsp Vanilla Pudding 2. Apple Pie 2 scoops Vanilla Formula 1 1 scoop Vanilla PDM 1/4 tsp Cinnamon 1 tbsp Apple Syrup 1…
  • I've been using Herbalife products, and I love them. So much in fact, that I became an independent distributor. I have a ton of recipes. Feel free to send me an email. Herbalife is so much more than Just Meal Replacement shakes... I can do a complimentary wellness profile on you and get you started on a tailormade program.…