

  • Not at all, Our bodies produce a certain chemical when we eat (particularly protein). This chemical cause the body to produce new cells. This becomes an issue when our bodies are constantly doing this. By having these fast days (600 cals) the amount of this chemical decreases and our bodies go in to repair mode, repairing…
  • Sorry I meant 2 fast days a week, each fast day only 600 cals. I am doing this on top of my normal diet of 1600 cals a day.
  • Where were you born? Dunfermline, Scotland Where do you live at the moment? Newcastle upon Tyne Where else have you lived Lived in Preston for 12 years and flitted around the north east before settling in Newcastle What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation? Work for Sunderland Council, mainly doing…
  • Hi, I've been using this site and the phone app for about a month, it is great, really helps you to stay aware of what your eating