

  • Try adding some healthy calories instead of cutting calories. Sometimes a few extra calories can do more for weight loss than cutting calories.
  • I am planning to have a breast lift (and possible reduction) after my breast feeding days are done. I hope that everything will sort of bounce back after awhile. But gravity is sort of irreversible.
  • My kids aren't that close in age; 5 mths, 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, 10 years. But I have been pregnant 8 times in the last 8 years.
  • I try very hard to consume 2000 calories a day. It is very hard for me to eat that much, normally it is closer to 1800 I burn about 500 calories a day breastfeeding 12x a day, and another 500 or so calories a day with exercise. My son is 5 months old in actual age. I started off overweight. I always lose all the baby…
  • It is important to remember that they body often mistakes thirst for hunger. So whenever you feel ravenous drink a glass of water first. I like to keep almonds, dried fruit, snap peas, carrots etc on hand to snack on when I am hungry between meals. But that postpartum hunger is INSANE. I have found myself sizing up the…