I put breastfeeding 500 calories on my log when I tracked. My weight was kinda the same as yours. I am 5'8 and I weighed 225 right before I delivered. I dropped down to 168 within 4 months and stayed there. Probably because I was so hungry like you. I probably ate 2500 calories a day whoops lol. But I never gained weight.…
I am here :) and good for you for keeping up with two children and having time to watch your weight! I can barely keep up with one! Lol
You guys told me exactly what I needed to hear (facts) and really make me feel good about taking pills again instead of dreading it. THANK YOU! Wish me luck on my will power and sweets! LOL
On they had an experiment saying that you lose slightly more fat if you burn on an empty stomach vs. eating before (unless you are a pro athelete) and the doctor even said if you HAVE to eat then eat a banana. I will find the link.
Thank you I would like that :)
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