

  • Welcome- I'm so sorry to hear about such a tough time with the meds. There are a new group of meds for RA up and coming called Janus kinase inhibitors (JAK inhibitors). The first on the market will be tofatcitnib which has been approved by the FDA. However the one I am watching with much excitement is one that only…
  • Hi Charlene- I totally understand the no energy/motivation. I'm not a big excerciser and I don't want to go to the gym. We did buy an IPool which has been fantastic. It is set up in the garage and heated from 90f to 96f all year. It has a tether and belt so one can swim in place, or sometimes I just soak. It's by a little…
  • That's really rough, I take Enbrel too and I can't imagine how it would be if I needed to stop. Thanks for joining!
  • I'm 2 years plus and no problems. For me there was no choice, RA completely disabled me in less than three months from diagnosis. I went from just some aches and migratory joint pain, to not being able to walk, dress, use the bathroom, blow my nose, or even just move a part of my body to try to relieve the pain. I couldn't…
  • I had fatigue when I first started mtx. But it was probably more due to disease activity. Have you started the Remicade yet? I'm surprised your insurance will cover Remicade and not cover Enbrel as usually it's the other way around. They are both tnf blockers but Remicade is infused. I was on Humira for a year and now…
  • Hi All, I'm Lisa, 46 years old, and was diagnosed with RA in April of 2010. I started methotrexate the same day but rapidly declined and was wheelchair bound in less than 3 months. I started Humira in July 2010 and it worked well for a year although had to increase the dosage frequency to weekly after 6 months. I'm now on…
  • Hi Carla!
    in Hello Comment by lglavish July 2012
  • Thank you all!!!:smile: