mscocoa30 Member


  • Hey are you all still excepting people into this challenge...I'm trying to drop at the least 10 to 15 lbs by the middle of July...
  • Hey all. I was sleeved on 8/21, So are I am down 15 lbs. I'm ready to support this journey.
  • Hey everyone...remember me? Boy did I have to do some detective work to find you gals. LOL Well I'm back...been gone for about a month. I guess life kinda got in the way. I missed my Jan 1st goal. But, on the bright side, I haven't gained any weight. I managed to maintain my 29 lbs weight loss. At any rate, I'm back for…
  • What the??? I LOST 2.6 pounds...SMH, I don't even know why....LOL
  • Hey everyone. I was gone for about two weeks but I am back. However, I still maintained decent eating and exercise habits, the results are reflected in my ticker. My work schedule is off the chain. I've been working 7 days a week and it is very stressful. I have to do a schedule change asap because I don't want to get…
  • You look amazing. Good for you! Truly an inspiration.
  • It's check in time already? LOL Here are my stats: Last Week: 224 This Week: 224.2 Total Lost: 0 :noway: Weight Loss Percentage 0 :grumble: Well I must say this is the first time I have actually gained since I started my journey on 09/01/2009. It is only a couple of ounces and it is the first day of my TOM so I'm not too…
  • Just noticed.... Vpointing at ticker...almost hitting the big 25. I'm so excited. Jenn, your work is amazing! ~Jay
  • Hi everybody. I was not able to check in yesterday. So here is my check in for yesterday: Calories: 1,342 Exercise: No Water: What water? :sad: I really can't account for a drop of water. I promise I will do better with the water today. ~Jay
  • I lose about 1 to 1 1/2 pounds a week. I manage to down about 32 to 40 oz of water a day. I'm working on increasing my water intake.
  • Hi gals, My weight hasn't changed in 5 days. Is this a mini plateau? Here's my check in for today. Calories: 1,500 Exercise: Yes (burned 738) Water: 56 oz.. (Still working on this, but getting better. Bad part is, drinking all of this water, I nearly peed my pants today. :embarassed: I think my body has to adjust to the…
  • Hey everybody. I am posting kind of late as I work on the weekends. Here's my check in: Calories: 1,586 Exercise: Yes (burned 866) Water: 40 oz.. Not too bad. I have to drink more water and plan my food choices a little better. ~Jay
  • Hi Teresa and Tammy! Welcome to the over 200 club group. We are all in this together. Also, I just wanted to thank everyone for their kind words during my time of grief. Only time will heal, but I am ready to move forward and continue on my positive journey. My positive affirmation for this week is: I act with confidence…
  • Wow...hmmm ok I have no idea what kind of challenge I can pick. I know that water consumption is one of my biggest challenges. Personally, I don't like water and I hardly ever get thirsty. It's really weird. I rarely get in 4 glasses of water per day. Does anyone else have a problem drinking water? I just bought some fresh…
  • Hey there all. Although the numbers look good, technically this was not a good week. I did not workout at all this week and I did not eat as well as I would have liked to. Next week is a new beginning and it is looking better for me. Here are my check-in stats Last Week: 226.9 This Week: 224 Total Lost: 2.9 Weight Loss…
  • Ever thought of a colon cleanse. About once a month for three days, I take HealthPlus Colon Cleanse. It does not have a laxative effect either. My doctor told me that it is good for people who lack sufficient fiber in their diet. It maintains my regularity. You can find information about it here:…
  • Well let me tell've come to the right place. Welcome to MFP. You can do it! I get daily inspiration from MFP members. Just look around and you will see success stories of those who have lost 50 to 100 pounds and even more. They are so courageous and determined. This site is a godsend.
  • Jenny I am so proud of you. I was smiling and hanging on to your every word. This must have been an awesome experience for you.
  • Here's my check in: Even though I have been staying within my calories since the start of the week, I have not been eating as healthy as I would like. I had a death in my family and I've kind of lost my appetite. I also have not been working out other than spending my days cleaning the house. I try to eat something. It may…
  • OMG! I know just how irritating the twitching can be. Here's a little info for you. From: To find a solution for twitching eyes, we needed to determine the underlying cause of this annoying problem. Called myokymia in doctor lingo, these rippling muscle contractions in an eyelid can be…
  • Trust me I know the feeling. That machine is no joke. Yet, it burns lots of calories in a relatively small amount of time. It's worth the investment.
  • Momma2four, Hey there. I really wouldn't worry too much. (I know that is easier said than done). My son, who is 17 years old now was diagnosed with an unspecific language/speech disability when he was in the 2nd grade. Eventually, we learned that he had a mild case of CAPD (Central Auditory Processing Disorder). It is a…
  • I definitely lack the desire for water and have to force myself. My major problem is, I have a very weak bladder the more I drink, the more I need to stay near a toilet. But fortunately, I am off today. I want to do at least 8 oz today, so I am in. ~Jay p.s.: You want to drink 80 oz? As in Eighty Ounces? Is that correct?
  • Hi all. I have the Wii Fit Plus. My goal is to be consistent with: 30 min 3 times a week: advanced step aerobics and 30 min 3 times a week: of either Rhythm Kung-Fu, Rhythm Parade or Island Cycling
  • Wow, it has been quiet as a church mouse in here. Everybody ok? Just checking in on y'all.
  • Wowsers! :noway: I can't last for more than 2 minutes on that machine. That's great!
  • LOL a little comic relief. I love it. I vote for option #5 - after 2 glasses of wine : wink: Let me help you take them off, baby! :drinker:
  • I have to agree with using the greek yogurt for a mayo substitute. I like Chobani personally. Works well if you season it a little.
  • I guess it really depends on how much weight you need to lose. I gained about 60 pounds in 9 months. That is an average of 6.6 pounds per month. It was basically do to some meds I was taking. However, I have been able to lose 20 pounds in two month, but I don't think I will be losing as much so quickly in the future. I am…
  • Hey there all! I started this week off really good. I was in a terrific mood, then boom! I got some bad news and it kinda did me in for a few days. I didn't do that bad with my eating, but my workouts suffered. Basically, I only worked out once this week :huh: Anyway, here are my check-in stats: Last Week: 228.6 This Week:…