

  • Fantastic job! It's great how you also mention how it changed you mentally as well. Inspiring. You look great. I love your funky little glasses, very chic. Go girl!!
  • I can never eat late, after 9 my appetite'd think I'd be skinny...but na!
  • Keep going kid, you are very motivational to us all. I can see a lot of difference and like lots of the others have posted, a very attractive, gorgeous young woman!
  • I play on EU Kul Tiras realm, have played since BC. I have 2 Mages: Sivermind and Fairynuf, Hunter: Silverfly...all belfs, love Battlegrounds. Not too serious though have to be more involved with IRL :P and now going to the gym I only play a bit in the evenings. Looking forward to MoP :)