Hellie24 Member


  • Audi A4 cabrioette in blue
  • My big problem is evening snacks - after my main meal I don't really need them just a bad habit. I will have to find a good alternative but if members are checking my ability to say NO then that can only be good - So I'm in....Starts Tuesday OH & I'm off to Tenerife on 2nd November so in the words of the great supermarket-…
  • Your mis-spell made me smile on a sunday afternoon...lol but as to the hair dont worry you are what you are....... some like it some dont ........but if your a nice guy it wont mater either way
  • Just started walking every lunch time at work- approx 1mile but I usually swim at weekends but went walking with my friend today we used the Endomundo app to measure our distance & pace...covered just under 5miles today
  • A great Common sence reply.....:smile: dont deprive your self cos you will only crave but dont have it all the time or you will never change your eating habits
  • Cottage cheese with chopped slice of cooked hamm is great even better with chopped onion- or try it grilled like cheese on toast on wholemeal bread.. bit more than 50 cals but yummy
  • I'm Nanna ..........two n's...................... following my Mum & sisters choice my sister was also known as Nanna Penny ( after her dog Penny) & when my mum became a great grandmother she was known as Nanna Wales ( she lived in Wales) & Nanna Dinosaur ( she also lived near the play park which had model dinosaurs..& she…
  • Thank you all for your ideas I have a few now & I'm sure we will manage Kitchenre-fit starts tomorrow so should have done a bit more prepping but I love fish,rice,eggs have some low calorie ready meals a pre made shepherds pie for tomorrow evening.... I also remembered my George Forman so I dont think we will starve....…
  • Sounds Lush... bit confused about portion size -you say but four pieces in a muffin tin is this then just one portion at 136Cal also "bump" -what does this mean... I'm British not a phrase I know I'm guessing "thanks" "ditto" " great" ......or something like that as your all very please ...lol:happy:
  • Well you have all made me laugh ..thanks its been a long day at work .. especially the photo in the bath full of wotsits... I think we can all be taken in by these "diet & weightloss" plans... years ago I went to a beauty salon & was wrapped in somekind of clay bandages then wrapped in clingfilm & zipped into a big bag to…
  • My name is Helen Just found this thread I can see it started sometime ago but this is my second visit here I had been doing really well at WW last year then I hit a plataux for about 10mths & went on a cruise in March 2012 since then Ive gained 8lb which I'd love to loose along with eventually another 22lb . Really need to…