

  • Hello peeps, I'm just getting started (again) and I am looking to loose 60lbs. I eat fairly healthy, but have a weakness for munchies especially chips. I go through spurts where I exercise fairly regularly and then the habit dies down to sedentary. I quit smoking early last year which had lead to more weight gain. I figure…
  • Do not get discouraged...you've come so far already and congratulations on that! I'm new to this program so I'm by no means on expert but I do have problem feet (Plantar fastiitis) which makes most excercises hard on my feet. I've been biking a few times, walking a few but my favourite excercise is swimming and more…
  • Hey I know how you feel, I have often gotten off to a good start but I do find I lack motivation. This time though I hope that I can keep my enthusiasm so I can reach my goal! I only signed on to My fitness pal two days ago but have been exercising and watching what I eat for about 2 weeks now. I have a beach near my home…