

  • Check out this article.... All about calorie counting and getting your drink on. :drinker:
  • Never even heard of a skinny b***h but am half Russian so always have Vodka in the house! So glad I found this thread before I went an entire week without a drink! :wink:
  • I slice it into very thin slices lengthwise, dip them in milk then bread crumbs, spoon low fat ricotta cheese (seasoned with italian spices or whatever seasoning you prefer) on to the slices and roll them up. Place them in a baking pan and bake for about 45 minutes in a 350 oven. I cover them in spaghetti sauce about 10…
  • I have the same issue! Have you tried that new stevia stuff? (Truvia or whatever it's called) I was going to try it and see if it is better. Otherwise I also drink the flavored teas (Celestial seasonings brand). Some of them are good cold and not as monotonous as plain water.
  • You may have shin splints which is an inflammation of the fascia between the muscles. Some people will tell you to run through them DON"T do that, it can lead to stress fractures. There are specific stretches you can do to help keep them from worsening. Otherwise ice and rest. If you are running on concrete try finding a…
  • I don't know anything about the C25K program but I will support you. I have decided to start running again, even just a little bit. It's been over a year since my knee surgery and 4 months since my baby was born, I am out of excuses. I know myself and struggle sticking to a regimen. So I will start by just jogging a bit…
  • My biggest downfall is sweets. I love to bake. I make chocolate mousse, chocolate cake, cookies, you name it. If it is sweet I have a recipe for it. And I have a pretty bad reaction to aspartame so I can't use a lot of the sugar substitutes. I was thinking of trying that Stevia plant stuff....hopefully it is better and I…