cycling2 Member


  • Hope you and your family get better soon @koeitjiesa I'm also new at these challenges on MFP. I've been walking 10000 steps per day (on average) since January. So this will be my year of 10 000 steps, yay! So far my average for December has been 8447 steps a day, so I need to walk some more.
  • Thanks Rudy! I'm planning to take part in this other mileage group which is more active: Perhaps I'll see you there? Anyway, enjoy your mileage during 2013. Happy New Year!:flowerforyou:
  • Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas. :smile: Time for another update: 22.12 - 5.18km 23.12- 9.99km 26.12 - 27.34 Total so far this month: 210.37! Goal reached! Yipeee!! :drinker:
  • Good on you Rudy. My progress: 12.12 - 5.49 16.12 - 40.02 17.12 - 14.26 Total so far this month 167.86 km I still have 42.14 km to go.
  • Updating: 08/12 - 32.71km 10/12 - 5.62km 11/12 - 7.17km So far this month I did 108km Still have 102km to reach my goal
  • km is much less than miles! 1.6km = 1 mile, so 20km is not as impressive as 20 miles Today I rode 25.89km, using a calculator I can tell you this is about 16miles... but is so much of a hassle to keep converting, I'll just update my goal in km (hope that's ok!)
  • Glad to hear from you Rudy! Thanks for your message and encouraging words. :smile: Today I rode 20.90 km
  • Hi Shanise, good luck to you! Yesterday I rode 15.80 km
  • Today for the first time since learning to swim 5 years ago, I managed to swim 1.5km in one session. It took me one hour to do this. One day I hope to swim 1.6km (1 mile) in one hour :)
  • Hi, thanks! I got the ticker from - I like it better than tickerfactory because you can register just once with your email and have more than one ticker tracking differente things... (while with tickerfactory you need a password for each ticker if I remember correctly). And the graphics from…
  • Hi everyone, my goal is to get rid of another 5kg and be able to keep it that way. I'm already an active person, my problem is eating too much - I need to learn moderation :) I'd love tone my bum and thighs (I was really inspired by some success stories here on MFP), so perhaps I'll start some exercises with that in mind.…