I need to flind some wieght loss woman . .. LOL
WTH . . .I have never gotten a saucy pic on here . . .LOL Spoken like most woman I know . .. Damned if you do and damned if you don't . . .LOL
First I have a good friend who was pushing me and calling me an old fat guy . . .But the main reason was I started to see signs of diabetes. My blood pressure was high, so it was start medicating or lose weight . . .so here we are! Another motivating factor atfer you start losing is the attention from woman . . .Wheeewww…
It is about rewards, save calories and look forward to Orange sherbet which is half the cals of ice cream at the end of the night. Or save cals and so at the end of the night you can go to McDonalds and get a sundae with nuts. If you are looking forward to the reward it works. On Fridays I try to stay under 600 cals for…
I see what you ate, it is about the calories of what you ate. This is what I do. I go to Publix, an upper scale grocery store and buy a $2.30 loaf of french bread from the bakery. I have them slice it thin and put it in 2 bags. Now this is fresh with no preservatives so I freeze one and eat the other. I will toast and eat…
I like to go crazy one weekend every 2 weeks. Your body needs to think you aren't starving and trying to store fat anyway. But it is a nice reward and something to look forward to. I wouldn't feel guilty about it, today is a new day, find something you like and save your cals to eat it at the end of the night. Also eat…
I have had good responses from people I asked about being a Gym Buddy . . . Chelsea was real good but she lives a little too far. She is really into fitness and talks to me all the time. I am not a self starter and need the motivation of meeting someone at the gym because it is too easy to blow a class off.
Wow, I mean WOW!