

  • I would also like to know the answer to this. Sometimes a Diet Coke here and there offers the little energy boast I need plus, when I'm feeling extra hungry at lunch, I'll have a diet coke instead of eating more food. Does Diet soda ruin a diet?
    in Diet Soda Comment by hulfordca May 2009
  • Hey, I know your pain. I took a hiatus from skating after being a competitive skater as a kid. I got back into it seriously once I graduated college. I had the ultimate goal of passing my Senior Moves and Freestyle. When I re-started, I needed to begin with my Novice Free and Junior Moves. Well, it's been a long road, but…
  • I'm on day 5 of p90X. I'm in good shape but I have some pounds to lose and want to take my fitness to the next level. On day Five, my body is definetly getting fatigued. I don't follow the exact meal plans that they have in the book but I changed my Carb and Protein Percentages on this site to calculate how much I should…
  • I was also terrible. Saturday was a Bar Golf Tournament in Boston. Needless to say you are supposed to wonder from bar to bar and have a drink. I was drinking from 1pm to midnight. I easily could have had 20 beers. At least it was light beer. :)
  • I can stay away from candy, cookies, and ice cream but when it comes to the booze. No way. It's not that I crave it, but it's a social thing. When I'm hanging with friends, that's what we do. Have a few beers. I'm not drinking during the week, but the weekends kill me. I really try to make an honest effort to cut back but…
  • I hear what your saying. I'm the same way. However, I'm also cheap. So I used to refill the poland springs bottles. But they say this is not good because of some chemical that they think may be leaching into the water...blah blah blah. Now I have a Camel Back with sippy tip. Now, I'm environmentally friendly. I just keep…
  • I don't know if you live in the part of the country where the is a stop and shop grocery store, but the Stop n Shop brand cereal called Fiber Select has 14g of Fiber per serving and 0g of Sugar. I usually have 2 servings for Breakfast (only 50 Calories per serving also) and get my entire my entire days worth of Fiber PLUS…
    in Fiber Comment by hulfordca March 2009
  • I know the stuck feeling. I had been between 152-154 pounds for YEARS. I just started getting some weight off and am finally seeing the scale in the 140's on a consistant basis. HUGE STEP!!! But since I don't have a huge amount of weight to lose, I know the last 25lbs is going to be the toughest. The trainer at the gym…
  • Your not doing anything wrong. You are probably just gaining muscle which weighs more than fat. With that much working out, you should notice a difference in the way your clothes fit. The scale may not be moving much but I bet you start to look more toned.