calcatb Member


  • Hi I'm Cat and I'm 46 years old. I was a Juvenile Diabetic all my life until I had a transplant of a new pancreas. I do have diabetic neuropathy and its getting really really bad and very painful. I'm pretty low on ability to exercise a lot but I'm motivated to work out and be healthy and fit. I eat mostly organic foods,…
  • I would have one of your DR's do a Metobolic Resting Rate (MRM) on you. its a breathing test that shows how many calories you burn by breathing and being alive. Then once we had that number we set my calorie intake. It takes a deficit of 3500 calories each week to lose one pound. I'm off Metformin now. They gave it to me…
  • You have tons of great info in the responses but here is something I would do and in fact I did. One thing you really need to know is how much energy does your body need when you are at rest. Basically its how many calories do you burn just staying alive so to speak. I went and did a Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) test. This…
  • You have lots of advice here and a lot of it is very good. You have to really stop and think about all of this. I married a guy like this although it wasn't just one issue there were more but infrequent the biggest issue was that I did not pay attention. After three years it got to where he did not want me to go anywhere…