glamazon Member


  • I've had my Blaze for about a month and a half. I love it.
  • I have about 40 lbs to loose. My "baby" is now 3 1/2. I did not weigh myself prior to becoming preggers but I think I'm about the same as I was pre-baby. With that being said I have about 40 lbs to loose. I went to the Y last week and had my body fat tested. I suspected it would be bad news, and it was. The good news is I…
  • Nerdette here! Love Dr. Who (10 will always be my doctor) Sherlock, Torchwood, etc. Please feel free to add me. It will be fun to have other nerd/nerdette's for support!
  • I've decided to transition into eating vegan for health reasons. I notice I have much more energy and generally feel lighter. My husband is also eating this way (as is our toddler under the guidance of our pediatrician, who is all for it) so it makes things easier. Watching Forks Over Knives really inspired us to make the…
  • Myself, hubby and little guy (3 years old) just transitioned to a vegan diet. I definitely feel lighter and have more energy. I have 40 lbs to loose and I know eating this way will help me. I now just need to watch my calories every day, which MFP is making really easy. I would love to have other friends here that are…
    in Vegans Comment by glamazon June 2012
  • Feel free to add me too!
  • I did my first day of P90X. I was going to do the "lean" program, but decided to go with the "classic". The back/chest and ab ripper X both kicked my butt. I did super light weights (5 lbs.). I also cannot do full pushups, so I did all pushups from my knees for all the different types. I'm sure I'll get stronger and be…
  • I ordered this last week and will start as soon as I get it (I'm thinking it will arrive by Tues. or Wed.). Hubby and I are going to Mexico with our little dude in Dec. I know I won't be where I want to by then, but if I can be consistent I should be well on my way. I also plan to do the Lean plan for my first round. I…