

  • I am surprised by the number of us with thyroid issues. I have been taking meds for hashimotos for at least 6 years now and I've never thought about it causing these problems. I have fibromyalgua and it has really started to bother me more the last year or so. What problems does this thyroid condition cause??
  • I have been more tired then usual and sore all over for a few weeks then i finally realized. ..I have been eating all of the yummy but bad for me food for a month at least! I crave sweets so bad. I'm sorry to hear of all your troubles! Not knowing what causes pain makes it worse I know. I've been on my treadmill for a week…
  • I have fibromyalgia. I understand struggles with energy to even cook dinner when I get off work. And to have to think about what to cook has been an issue lately.