It is better to work through the soreness than to let your sore muscles sit until they are not sore anymore. I have noticed that if you work through it, they "heal" faster and you won't be sore for as many days as you could be if you didn't work out at all days after. My advice would be to stretch the sore muscles (lightly…
From what I have read, the negatives mostly do with the higher risk for injury when there are other exercises out there that are more safe and effective. Some of the articles mention that the clean is not specific in gains for sports as well. Meaning that the power clean will only help improve your power clean and nothing…
I totally agree that you need the proper technique! I personally have not done them because I do not believe they are worth the risk when there are other techniques to gain the same benefits, but I believe if you want to do them, do them...just be careful. :) For you that do perform the power clean, does your trainer or…