

  • Thanks so much, you've all made me feel so much better. I on estoy though was the only one out there that was doing it to look hot and be the girl other girls want to lose weight to look like. :) I can't express how happy you've all made me feel
  • I'm weirdly shaped too, I have great legs, and tiny hips...then everything goes to hell. I have small boobs (about a B) broad shoulders and big arms. I've lost about 15 lbs and you can tell on my face and really on my collar bones. I feel my pants fitting me better, my stomach has gone down but not noticeably. I've finally…
  • I just graduated, and surprisingly didn't gain any weight. Freshman year I signed up for two one-credit aerobics courses and that helped me maintain my weight because I was drinking like an Irishman. Sophomore year I had my own kitchen so the eating was healthier, junior year went abroad to Italy and you walk everywhere…