thabrain3 Member


  • Everyone is on a journey that's just as unique...not one strategy will yield the same benefits for one person...keep at that good work and feel free to add!!
  • Set very do-able goals. 100lbs is a great goal, but there's a lot of frustration along the way. When I started at 354 all my goal was to go to the gym 3x in one full week. No matter the week. Then a year later found MFP and the near OCD-level of tracking your steps, food, exercise became fun, because the gym habit was…
  • Hello there! I had an Achilles tendon rupture on my left leg in 2008, and while I'm completely healed from that, it did change things completely. I was drastically fluctuating in weight for at least the two years since the surgery, but now stable and have consistently lost weight. I can share some pointers and advise on…