

  • Furthermore, I get the impression that a lot of people haven't read Taubes book, but simply have paraphrased some of his points and, in some cases, twisted them. Maybe read the "Cliff's Notes" version?? I say that because many of the ideas about the book I am seeing here are incorrect, or at the least indicative of someone…
  • To a point, you are correct. However, I never said carb deprived/zero carb/Atkins type restrictive. I simply advise carb moderate/unrefined types of carbs in moderation (i.e. proper portion sizes/more monounsaturated fat, less carbs than high carb diets advocate). Moreover, my point is that we should be eating nutrient…
  • I never said that 100% avoidance of sugar and white flour/rice/pasta was the way to go. If you read my statement I said they should be the last carbs on the list you are consuming regularly. In other words, you should consume them the least, proportionally speaking. I eat them, but not daily and sometimes not even weekly.…
  • As a registered dietitian with undergraduate and graduate degrees in nutrition and exercise science, I am here to tell you that the tides are changing on how much carbohydrate you actually need. Albeit, slowly... but it is happening. We are realizing that the "low fat" craze and recommendations from the American Heart…
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