Yep, havent been able to wear mine in about 4 months. Need to get it resized but I just tear up my hands at the gym anyway.
Can't wear mine right now either - need to have it resized. Plus I'm lifting weights and it's giving me blisters/calluses
Both of my kids were just BM to 6 months - I would ask the doc why?
I don't know if you will find this to be support - but sometimes you just need a donut! Yes, get out there and work it off. If you can have just one, occationally go for it. I believe if I don't indulge every once it a while I will fall of the wagon on my cushy tushy....but you have to have control and you have to "earn"…
Thanks All! My trainer just did the most recent one here in STL and I said I want to do the next to so let's start training. We do a lot of everything but are weight training and upper body. I do the lower body and the "tough mudder training circuit" on my own. Like mountain climbers with my feet on towels on the hard wood…
These are exactly all the things I love about my trainer....he's working for me with me! I love it! I'm two months in, I have seen results. We have fun but he challenges me without pushing me past my breaking point. He also notices when I'm not giving 100% and talks to me about if I need a day off or if I'm just not…
I only drink plain water or that with Crystal Light - either way I count it as water but I do include the Crystal Light under snacks.
I agree - I see this all the time. I do have the occational "snack" because I'm just 30 days in and I miss those treats but yeah - you can't have junk all day and night and skip meals and expect results!