cjausten Member


  • I'd love to support each other.
  • I`m going to be saving my money for an awesome surgeon...ya baby!! I follow a blog about a girl called Jen who lost 225lbs! She had lose skin (and she shares ALL her photos!) She had surgery and her story is very inspiring. You should check her OUT!! http://jenhudsonmosher.blogspot.ca She is also on fitness pal. :) CJ
    in Skin Comment by cjausten August 2012
  • you. ran. Did you hear me?! You RAN!!! YOU RAN!!! Don't mock yourself (or your thighs) because you did something that took courage and STRENGTH! I want to be like you when I grow up! :) CJ
    in I ran. Comment by cjausten August 2012
  • Oh yes, the seatbelt extender, the chairs that hurt, booths in a restaurant, even sitting on a plastic chair without worrying that it will break! These are all things (as well as many more) that anyone with our amount of weight to lose,completely understand. It's so embarrassing and uncomfortable. It is a HUGE I mean HUGE…
  • Would love to find a twin! Height 5'4" SW: 331 CW 321 GW 125 Anyone out there with over 200lbs to lose? :)
  • I can see a difference, especially in your tummy and face. We have similiar starting weights...I'd love to be a friend...please friend me if you want.