I am in the UK, and am a former 'bent rider but found some old internet bookmarks for forums. The main one in the US looks like -- could try there for information. I enjoyed it, but on a custom made upwrong (as bent riders like to call them!) these days.
There is a lot of good advice on the net about bike fit, worth seeking out if you are new to it. It is all about the relationship between the contact points of pedals/saddles/bars and understanding how they interact. Bikeradar or any other number of sites will have some advice to start. A key thing is to change one element…
In 2012 I achieved my goals, which were about getting some long audax/randonneur rides under my belt. For this year, I have signed up to a long-distance audax in the UK so now it is all about preparation and getting the miles in so that I am strong enough to complete it. Hoping to get some cycling specific dieting tips…