True. Ive never ran over any animals with my car.
@newday tshirt designer
leg humper
Eating everything but hotdogs. Everything.
@ casper selling hotdogs at a hotdog stand located in a hallway.
Professional catfishing?
Nikki Minaj
Cuz im awewsome.
WOW very nice!!!
Yea at least he wasnt waiting at the end with a d*ck-in-a-box. Actually Id fall in love with that guy.
Yes and yes.
Nope prolly not.
grabby grab grab
That my boyfriend at the time, had a new girlfriend.
can Kdaxon try new things too? [/quote] yes...yes she can [/quote] Thats not I mean sure.
No hes saying you are prolly ugly.
Thats HAWT.
bahaha bring it my lil friend.
I like big Butt.......heads and I cannot lie.
Its shiny red pleather. Its a PURSE
Nope, Im on the left.
I like tinky winky myself. Can put my stuff in his purse.
bahahahahahahahhahaha awesome.
oooo pick me, pick me!