I give up fixing mine...
I take a half a turkey breast, with the bone, add a chopped onion, chopped celery, about a Tbsp of Chicken flavoring and some water in the bottom and let it cook about 8 hours, until the meat falls off the bone. Shred the meat and serve as sandwiches or plain with a side. LOVE IT!!! :bigsmile:
WED 3/10/10 Gabby-6 Stephanie - 8 Heather - 2 Jill - 8 Callie - 6 Catherine -5 romst19 - 8 (didn't get to log this last night) Stacey - 4 Heidi - 7 Nolachick - 8 baby! woo hoo Nancy - 7 Lindsay- 8 Mary-2 Kim - 4 Elyse - 4 Tammy - 7 days!! Lana - 5 Jen-6 Miann - 6 Becky - 7 Kathy - 2 Anna - 7 Amber- 1 LaToya - 1 aisser- 6…
sounds good! I'm going to have to give it a try...
Monday, March 8th Gabby-6 Stephanie - 7 Heather - 3 Jill - 7 Callie - 4 Catherine -4 romst19 - 6 Stacey - 4 Heidi - 7 Nolachick - 6 ( hadn't logged fri, sat and sunday :) ) Nancy - 7 started c25k and will do another 30 min workout dvd Lindsay- 3 Mary-2 Kim - 4 Elyse - 2 Tammy - 4, although I did 2 workouts today... so 5??…
Friday, March 5th Stephanie - 4 Heather - 1 Jill - 3 Callie - 4 Catherine - 3 romst19 - 3 Stacey - 3 Heidi - 4 Nolachick - 3 Nancy - 4 Lindsay- 3 Mary-2 Kim - 3 Elyse - 1 Tammy - 3 Lana - 4 (TGIF EVERYONE!!!!!) Jen-2 Miann - 3 Becky - 4 Kathy - 2 Anna - 2 Amber- 1 LaToya - 1 aisser- 2 Erin- 2 Silke-3
Stephanie - 2 Heather - 1 Jill - 2 Callie - 2 Catherine - 2 romst19 - 2 Stacey - 2 Heidi - 2 Nolachick - 2 Nancy - 1 Lindsay- 2 Mary-2 Kim - 1 Elyse - 1 Tammy - 2 Lana - 1 Jen-2 Miann - 2 Becky - 2 Kathy - 2 Anna - 1 Amber- 1 LaToya - 1
Monday, March 1, 2010 Stephanie - 1 Heather - 1 Jill - 1 Callie - 1 Catherine - 1 romst19 - 1 Stacey - 1
I need some accountability so I'm in!
yum! I'm definitely trying these!!
bump to try at home...
I'm in and I'm cutting myself off at 8 PM. We'll see how this goes!!
I have one that just found that I now LOVE: "In the end, life is just a series of choices, one at a time..." I also have a little sign in my cubicle with this paragraph that I try to read daily: Attitude - by Charles Swindol "The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude to me, is more…
This is great! Thanks!
WOOHOO!!! I'm so excited for you!!! :smile: