Wow - thx 4 the interesting post. I used to eat that stuff a lot!
007 looks like a boss #allhomo
It's all about lifting weights and crushing the dreams of 12 yr old kids thinking they can beat this old man at battlefront, cod and SF5. Love the final fantasy series, Zelda collection and the mega man franchise amongst a host of other titles. Add me! Unless you're 12. Then don't.
Good luck!
Good luck!
Business - Eminem/Matoma remix Came out last year but still gets me through my 4th set
How do I suppress the raging fat kid inside me from eating all the wonderful Xmas food
Puts the empty milk carton he drank back in the fridge and blames his kids
Have an intense convo about real topics that matter. Like Ronald McDonalds buddy - Grimace - what is he supposed to be? #realtalk #firstworldissues
Feel free to add me 2!
Grind time! Go get it!
Mario got me going. Stuck around because of contra, Zelda, R TYPE, castlevania... So many more....
I'm on my last 15 so feel free to add me as well! Isn't it awesome that all that hard work is finally paying off and you can see that finish line!
So many to choose from! Although i dont have the consoles no more, if I had e chance, I'd definitely brew a few pots of coffee for these games: NES - zelda and castlevania series, ninja gaiden, contra, gradius, SNES - zelda, r-type, metroid, Chrono, secret of mana, ff's, Megaman's, ghosts and goblins Typing this up brought…
Who are you? I'm Sean! Super Nerd! Lub geeking it up playing vids. I grew up playing the classics like Double Dragon and Contra. Now i play everything from Final Fantasy to MW3 to NHL12. Sadly though, saving the world takes a toll on the mid section and that's the reason I'm here. Time to shape up! Good luck to all and add…
Im in for the motivation. Only want to cut 15 but the goal is to keep it off till at least xmas! Good luck!