klewlis Member


  • Just want to add that I have two friends who lost over 100lb each through running and healthy eating. :)
  • Even the best runners have bad runs sometimes. It's normal, and no reason to be so upset. Unless you're competing for money (you're not ;), it doesn't matter. You will go out another day and try again, and if you keep at it you will improve.
  • I'm sorry, but this is bad advice. More injuries are caused by attempting intensity (speed work) prematurely than by working on general conditioning at easy paces. Beginners need to become comfortable with the distances and give their bodies time to adapt before they even think about speed work. My advice to the OP is to…
  • It's all about the food. A *lot* of people think to themselves, "I'm running so much that I can eat whatever I want" when in fact they aren't actually running enough for what they eat. To be honest, 30-40 miles per week is NOT a large amount of running for a marathoner.... most marathon training programs peak the mileage…
  • Do you have Winners there? I have found some great deals on name brand gear. But in general, I find that it's worthwhile to invest the money into high-quality clothing (especially for running) because the comfort level and longevity makes a huge difference.
  • That's absurd. If you're WORKING muscles, you're BUILDING muscles. Will running make you look like a body builder? No. But it certainly does build the muscles that it works... just not in the same way the lifting weights will. It creates toned, lean, strong muscles. If it didn't build muscle, you could never become a…
  • swimming would be great! burns tons of calories and is impact-free. :)
  • August 19: 18 miles month total: 75.6 miles
  • that's just a conditioning thing. If you keep at it, it will get better. It's because your stride and motions are different outside (and much more natural). Also make sure that your calves aren't super tight... tight calves cause shin splints (stretch and strengthen as needed!). As for the OP, I choose trail running! Way…
  • August 17: 4 miles Total: 57.6 miles
  • August 16 - 8 miles. Month to date: 53.6 miles
  • Also keep in mind the 10% "rule": don't increase your total weekly mileage by more than 10% per week. So if this week you ran 20k, don't increase beyond 22km total next week. (Some of us may be guilty of breaking that rule... repeatedly... but it's risky ;)
  • As a trail runner, I have to vouch for the definition of runners' legs. I love my legs when I'm doing lots of running, especially trail running (anyone who thinks that running is repetitive or doesn't build muscle clearly hasn't run any mountains...). Yes your body can "eat" your muscles if you don't fuel it properly. But…
  • I agree with those who say you aren't ready for intense speed workouts yet. Keep working on getting stronger--run a little longer, be consistent, run outside. The best thing you can do at this point is just to keep running and let your body adapt. For one run each week, work on going a little farther than before. For…
  • everyone is different, which is why "listen to your body" is the best advice. It's hard to learn, but worthwhile. If you feel tired and achey, or unmotivated, or overly sore, then take a day or more off and get back at it. I've been running for 9 years and I don't run every day, even when my mileage is really high. My body…
  • I keep frozen berries on hand for this very purpose! :) For more protein and thickness, you can add yogurt. Today I made one with yogurt, fresh blueberries and strawberries, and a bit of happy planet juice that I had left over. You can also add ice. If I have bananas on hand, those go in too. And I have been known to add…
  • There's nothing wrong with taking a day off, either! Especially if you're doing a 7 day/week program.
    in TOM help. Comment by klewlis August 2012
  • great thread! I have tried many online dating sites and have been on many first and second dates (few beyond that). I'm happy to say that I have never had a really outrageous story to tell. But for those who are considering it, I do have this advice: online dating isn't for everyone. You need to have a pretty thick skin...…
  • I used to get really horrible cramps, back aches, moodiness, headaches, bloating, etc... it was awful. Then I went on the pill (Marvelon) and it was night and day. Now I hardly have any symptoms at all. I know that's not an option for everyone but it's something to consider. My worst cravings come in the week before my…
    in TOM help. Comment by klewlis August 2012
  • I like both! Biking is great because you burn more calories, you get around faster, and you feel like a kid zipping around town! And I love mountain biking, which is a full-body workout and burns a ton of calories. Do either, or both... have fun. :)
  • I'm not a scientist, but here's my experience: - I am extremely sensitive to my blood sugar levels, so I space out my meals/snacks in order to stay stable. Sometimes this means having a snack before bed (or in the middle of the night, if I wake up starving). Keeping blood sugar levels in balance is important for everyone's…
  • Clearly the "extreme" program isn't working for you. ;) How about something more sensible? What do you have to prove, and what good will it do you if you don't make it to the start line because you burn yourself out (or worse, injure yourself) in training?
  • If there are no step-back weeks in your program, then that is probably the main problem. In fact, I have never seen a marathon training program that did not have step-back weeks. Where did you get the program? Building fitness is about stress and rest. If you skip the rest, then you don't get stronger... you get weaker.…
  • August 3 - 5.5 miles August 4 - 3.1 miles August 5 - 8 miles August 6 - 6 miles
  • were you taking them on an empty stomach? that is usually what causes nausea.
  • congratulations! You look fabulous, and happy!
  • I've donated 33 (I think) times. I'm O-neg so they love me. :) It's such a small sacrifice for me and potentially life-saving for someone else, so I figure it's the least I can do. :)