by hips i was just refering to hip measurements basically bigger butt and thighs, not actually widening my hips which clearly isn't possible haha, i should have clarified my bad
i was actually serious but i mean alright then
congratulations on the progress! i haven't heard of the program but i will definitely check it out now, thank you :)
never took clothes into consideration until now but you have a great figure! i'm definitely jealous those measurements sound perfect
i'll definitely incorporate all of that into my workouts! thank you so much :) i try to eat as much raw foods as possible but i should probably be increasing my intake
thank you so much :)) but you'd be surprised at how unfit i am, currently not toned at all sigh. and i'm a huge sucker for curves! my goal seems a bit unrealistic for my frame i just need to gain some muscle in my hips and butt and thighs haha. thank you again!
I recently gained weight actually, my waist was at about a 24 so my frame allows it, but my hips were only at 33. I was pretty unhealthy at the time so I definitely prefer my body now, but my stomach is a bit flabby, i'm skinny-fat. I just started working out and strength training so I'm not expecting results anytime soon…