I so appreciate everyone's suggestions and ideas, I love the support system myfitnesspal members offer/give!! Weight loss and maintaining is such a hard thing to do but having myfitnesspal and all the members have been helping tremendously...thank you all!!
Thank you for the great suggestion!! I love the idea of having leftovers for the next day!!
Huge kudos to you for your amazing accomplishment!! You did it on your own with diet and exercise, never gave up and stayed away from certainly have something to be proud of, congrats!!
Just got a gold' s gym weighted hoop and have been using it for about 3 days. It is a little uncomfortable but I am not going to give up!! My question is has anyone used one of these hoops while wearing a waist trimmer belt? I am thinking it might take some of the "hurt" away. Any advice would be appreciated!!!
Congrats on your weight loss thus far...keep up the good work!
Thank you Anne, keep up the good work!!
Hi Melissa, my name is Tabitha and I too need to get back on track and could use some support. I am 29 years old and just gave birth to my beautiful daughter Mazie in June. Back in high school I weighed 240lbs and I am just shy of 5'5" so I was quite the porker. I was depressed to say the least and just tired of being made…