Sledgehammer66 Member


  • Hi guys. Thanks for all the replies. Especially the serious ones. I read a lot more about it now and also contacted lyle. Some of you might didn't realize that you can really kill your hormones with a bad/wrong/or intense diet. And with your hormones gone, so goes your sex drive. And of course not only that. I mean: your…
  • This is a huge difference! Of course it is always difficult to see. I lost 20 kg (44 lbs) and i was not realy satisfied when i lost the first 10 until i lost the other 10 kg. You see yourself everyday and you are your toughest judge. But trust me, the people around you will see changes, which appear to be smal for you, a…
  • 1.) Try intermitting fasting! This helped me a lot. This isn't a diet for itself, more a helpful technique. The basic understanding behind this is, that the body learns to mobilize energy from your energy storage. In this opinion you don't have to be afraid that the body will eat "itself". Especially if you're still doing…
  • Hi! There are realy some good tipps here. I also go to the gym in the morning. I get up at 5:30 am to be in the gym early enough to workout and to make it to work. At first it is always soooo hard. But you'll definatly get used to it. Most important tough: Remember yourself, you are doing this for yourself. There ist…