

  • Size 2? Make sure you are healthy please. that is usually not a heathful thing for anyone. Congrats on the 150 though that is very hard. good job
  • My trainer - who is now also a best friend, told me that weighing ourselves is counter productive and I think he is right. he trained many celebs too. What happens is that if you do not see change on the scale daily, you freak. so if you go by FIT OF CLOTHES - you are way ahead of the game. I was just g90ing to text him…
  • Yes they really DO mean something. here is the short list. If you crave this… What you really need is… And here are healthy foods that have it: Chocolate Magnesium Raw nuts and seeds, legumes, fruits Sweets Chromium Broccoli, grapes, cheese, dried beans, calves liver, chicken Carbon Fresh fruits Phosphorus Chicken, beef,…
  • if you want to be strong , have muscle tone (which we all need) not be a weak old lady and have energy for your day, you need to eat right, lift weights (we call that strength training) do cardio; and watch what you are consuming BAD calorie/carb wise. Getting big? really??? I am so sure that is a NON issue for you.…