

  • yeah I can't give up sugar completely.. I feel like i will binge if i do that, so i have just tried to cut it back where I'm not eating as much sugary foods…. I am back to walking/jogging 3 miles a day, so hoping to see more progress in the next few weeks… trying to stay motivated to keep working out this time!
  • yeah i like the post the person put about balancing... It makes sense, like I had ice cream after dinner tonight, i figure if I dont eat like that every single day, but I am not depriving my cravings once in a whilie too... This is my exercise day too, and I usually exercise in the evening, so maybe I can jog off the ice…
  • I am 42, just started using fitness pal... Hoping i can get past my troublesome plateau, to my ideal weight...
  • Hi, I am new to myfittness pal, I am 42, wanting to lose 15 more lbs, get back to around 125 which is healthy for me. I was in the Army 7 years ago. I know its maybe not realistic to get to the exact same shape, but would like to anyway. I dont usually eat 1200 calories a day tho, that seems like ALOT of food to me..... I…