

  • It is best to do 30 mn of cardio exercise about 3 times a week and 2-3 days of lifting weights and toning. You can't spot reduce. I have lost a lot of belly fat with just eating healthy and then I lost some by exercising and unintentionally losing a total of 19lbs. Also it doesn't matter what time you eat as long as what…
  • You can fill lift two filled up water jugs as weights. You can even lift your kids for weights. I have 3 kids ages 3 and under so it isn't really an excuse. In all reality there are many instances where you have to end up spending something.You have to invest in your healthy sometimes. See if there is something you can cut…
  • Awesome job! Keep up the great work!
  • Eating 5-6 small meals a day every 2-3 hours speeds up your metabolism and gets your body in fat burning mode so yes. I lost 18lbs within the last 2.5 months and close to having a 6 pack even though I just had my 3rd child in May. I wasn't trying to lose a lot either.
  • My thoughts are along the same lines as what this nutrition expert had to say about it. Calories aren't the only thing that matters you have to take a deeper look at the ingredients.
  • I usually have a black bean quesadilla(whole grain tortilla), oatmeal with fruit, or Shakeology, maybe even a PB sandwich on whole grain bread...
  • A boiled egg on salad, Protein shake, chicken salad, shrimp and brown rice
  • I am 5'3 and have lost around 18lbs within the last 2.5 months.
  • My suggestion is not to buy a new one and to find a day out of the week to go somewhere with a scale and weigh yourself.(if that is convenient for you) It will save you from the depression scales give us from constantly checking. You can use measurements to track your progress:smile:
  • Shakeology has 18 grams of protein and besides that 70 superfood ingredients and it is an all natural shake with only natural sugars and no preservatives so I am sure it is better than whey protein. Some guys who train for the olympics are drinking Shakeology it so if you are trying to build muscle you can do it. You also…